Clan Tartan

MacLaren and MacLaurin Tartans

"Ancient" and "Modern" tartans are the most popular and subsequently the most seen tartans at clan events.

The "Weathered" and the "MacLaurin of Broich" tartan, on the other hand, are less commonly seen as they are mainly used for "formal ladywear".

MacLaren Dress

MacLaren Weathered

MacLaren Modern

MacLaren Ancient

MacLaurin of Broich

Clan Badge




In addition to the “crest”, the heraldic animal, the clan badge of Clan MacLaren also contains the battle call

You can see the boar (Tuirc) with the saying “Creag an tuirc”. This refers to the local mountain "Boar's Rock".
It is located in Balquhidder above the MacLaren cemetery. With a short walk from the cemetery of a maximum of 30 minutes, you can easily reach the plateu "Creac an tuirc" (the path is signposted). From there you have a wonderful view over Balquhidder and Loch Voil.


(Images and information taken from "The Clan MacLaren Society")