How it all began

First there was the idea of a few natives from the “Bergische Drei” to bring some Scottish flair to the city triangle of Wuppertal, Solingen and Remscheid.
The time had come in 2010. This small group successfully managed to set up the first "Scottish Days" in Wuppertal together with the CVJM-Westbund. Of course not as big as today. Just a few booths with Scottish and Celtic things, an field where the Highland Games were presented, an Irish dance group, pipes and drums and of course the entry of all active participants, which is still great to this day. Of course, the evening stage program couldn't be missed.

The path to the association world wasn't far. And on January 5th, 2011, 13 friends met and founded the association “Friends of Clan MacLaren e.V.” with the aim of preserving Scottish history and traditions and spreading them in Germany.
From the beginning this happened with the support of our then clan chief Donald MacLaren.
The “Friends” have grown since then. We have become an integral and recognized part of the Clan MacLaren world. Even though we are having a hard time setting up our own society in Germany, we are the MacLarens' official contact for the German-speaking area.

We have a sports team that successfully took part in various Highland Games throughout North Rhine-Westphalia. We made contacts with some clan representatives in Germany, from which good and close friendships emerged. We enrich various Highland Games with our Clan tent and hold our Scottish Days every year together with the CVJM-Westbund. There are regular meetings, excursions and events. We also forged our clan sword together.
Until 2020, when the “Covid” epidemic hit us all and completely threw us off track.
For the first time in the history of the “Friends”, association life had been reduced to “zero”. Member meetings were forbidden and the Scottish Days were of course not allowed to take place either. This meant we were unable to celebrate our 10th club anniversary. Unfortunately.
This now and here
The restart came in 2022 with a Burns Supper and of course our Scottish Days.

But unfortunately, during the forced break due to the pandemic, association life came to such a standstill that the sports group dissolved completely. We are also working on a restart here.
Nevertheless, we are again actively taking part in various Highland Gatherings/Highland Games throughout Germany. If possible, we also travel to Scotland to “our games” in Lochearnhead. We are actively working again at the regulars' table and are planning trips and events again.
The future can come.