Pipe competition of the Friends of Clan MacLaren e.V.

Dear friends of the Bagpipe,

This year we want to offer a pipe competition again as part of our Scottish Days in Wuppertal.

The 14th Scottish Days will take place on August 30th and 31st, 2025, as always, on the grounds of the CVJM-Westbund e.V. in Wuppertal (Bundeshöhe 7 / 42285 Wuppertal).
This time we will also be holding the 9th Pipe Competition on Saturday, August 31st, 2024 from around 11 a.m clock through.

The registration fee remains unchanged this year (solo: €10.00/competition - quintet: €35.00). Entry for Saturday is also included. Registration is binding.

Now it's your turn. We look forward to your registration and hope to see you on August 31st. see you again safe and sound.