Scottish Days : The beginnings


On July 11th, 2010 around 1:30 p.m. the time had come: our 1st Scottish Days opened.
As befits, with a parade of active participants and first of all the MacLaren Pipe & Drums

There wasn't as much of an audience present as there is today. Mainly friends, acquaintances and employees of the CVJM-Westbund. But the meadow was well filled and there were more and more visitors as the day went on. But there was also a lot to see. Individual disciplines from the Highland Games were shown on the meadow.

However, there were no real competitions yet. There was also a stage floor set up where a group performed Irish dancing.

There were booth all around offering all kinds of Scottish food and of course there was also a barbecue and drinks stand. In the evening there was a music program under the big tree.

This success led to the founding of the “Friends of Clan MacLaren e.V.” association about six months later. 

Over the years Scottish Days became more and more famous. We made friends with other “societies” (clan representatives of Scottish clans), who then set up a Clan tent at our Scottish Days. Today we can offer a “Clan Village”, which is one of the larger ones in Germany. In addition, the range of Scottish, Celtic and British sellers became increasingly larger. Some have enjoyed coming to Wuppertal since the early days.

Of course, we have also had Highland Games competitions on our site since 2011 according to the rules of the DHGV (German Highland Game Association). Teams from all over Germany compete against each other. Starting from simple "pub amateur teams" who just want to try it out, right up to the German champions of the Highland Games. Until 2019 we also had the “heavy” athletes in the program.


Since 2016 we have also been offering our own pipe competition for beginners and advanced lerners. Now also for quintets (3 pipers + 2 drummers), which follow the regulations of the BAG (Bagpipe Association Germany).

Not to forget the historic Scots who set up camp here every year.

We are now a fixture in the annual calendar of Scottish events in Germany. Definitely not the biggest event of its kind. But probably the most intimate. At least that's what the exhibitors, clans and teams say.

In 2023 we welcomed 13 exhibitors, 22 Highland Games teams, 20 pipers, 6 quintets, 5 friendly clans and around 4500 visitors to the Scottish Days. The Celtic rock band “Claymore” played on stage in the evening

Of course, all of this only works with many hard-working hands. We “MacLaren” can’t do this alone. That's why we're happy to have had the CVJM-Westbund on our side from the start. The CVJM-Westbund provides us with the grounds for the Scottish Days, provides food on site and takes care of the "annoying part" with the authorities for us. Thanks!

If your interest has been piqued, then just come along. The Scottish Days take place on the weekend on the last Saturday in August at Bundeshöhe 7 in 42285 Wuppertal. But be careful, the parking situation is not good. Too few parking spaces for too many guests. That's why it's best to travel by public transport.

The next Scottish Days will take place on August 30th and 31st 2025